Thursday 27 June 2013

A’hunting we will go!

Finally, something did inspire me enough to post a blog! Strangely enough, as an inspiration this really isn’t anything deep and pensive… not at all a heavy meal for the thought system, honestly. Just one of those random incidents that start the ideas chugging along… traveling nowhere in particular and suddenly pulling up at a surprising destination!
          Let me begin at the beginning. This afternoon I met someone at work; a man I did not know, to be precise. Now this man came forth to my desk and struck a conversation. Having begun with this and that, the conversation soon went on to introductions. “Hi, I am Rahul…”, the guy drawled; I politely gave my name. This was followed by the typical awkward pause which characterises all introductions of this nature (you know what I mean!). This piece revolves around what is about to happen. I returned to staring at the screen, but was soon distracted by some activity in the periphery of my vision. I couldn’t help but notice that Rahul was frantically looking for something in all the pockets on his person. He tried the jacket, but the hand returned empty. The shirt pocket was similarly unhelpful. I was about to offer help, when he managed to fish something (presumably what he was looking for) out of his trouser pocket and opened his palm with a flourish- Happydent gum! Whatever it was that I had been expecting, this wasn’t it. I was too shaken to refuse and meekly expressed my gratitude.
          Now this strange ‘introductory offer’ started the mind rolling… the first obvious thought being, “Do I need to brush oftener??” Having ascertained that such was not the case, I explored alternative theories. This was not the first incident of its kind. I thought back and noticed a trend… I have always been offered gum by guys who’ve been ‘wanting to know me better’. And then I suddenly saw it! It was the ‘offering’! You know how the prehistoric man hunted, and dragged the loot to the prehistoric woman he wanted to ‘know better’? This was the same thing! Now dead bears went out of fashion a long, long time ago… So the average working man, handicapped by the lack of flowers or chocolates (which would be the logical first choice) at a workplace, offers the next best thing- Gum! Any woman who has worked in an IT company will tell you that Gum / Mint will definitely be an abundant resource on most male colleagues!
          Ha! So much for evolution! Though not conclusive proof, I feel pretty certain of the primitive instincts that still lurk within the Homo Sapiens Sapiens! Now I wonder what happens after the Gum offering… well, I ate it… I guess I should live up to my woman-ly ‘gathering’ instinct and save the wrapper! :P

:) Disclaimer: Although this incident is real, the names are entirely fictitious.

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