Thursday 27 June 2013

On pills and people…

The more I observe people (which I do quite a bit ;-) ), the more I feel
It is their little whims that tell us a great deal…
Plato says- You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.
In my opinion- it applies to pretty much everything- spoken or done!
So, speaking of such hints big and small,
I happened to think- wasn’t pill-popping another tell-all!
Now before you go getting any naughty thoughts,
I do not speak of the type of pill, but the way it pops!
How do you take your pills- quick ‘n easy- just gulp it down?
Or do you take ages, and do it with a frown? :P
A friend I have agonizes over medication for ages,
She pretends to forget, and leaves it on ledges...
Until good Samaritans ‘find’ it for her
And force it down the patient’s throat, before it could be ‘lost’ in another corner!
She is, in life too, a born runner;
Her motto- why kill it if you can shove it under!
There’s another I know, who will not avoid,
But will crush and sweeten
And thus he will swallow the ‘bitter pill’…
Be it the strife of life, or a feverish chill!
Then of course, there’s the sudden gulp-down-the- gullet!
Trying to fool his own self before he can object!!
This is the man who will jump into a pool, not ‘toe-dip’
And address his problems head-on, without a blip.
My own preference though is slow and steady,
One at a time… what is the big hurry!
I’d line up my issues too, to be dealt with one by one
And I insist that’s ‘systematic’, not procrastination!
So… these are the ones I have known in my time;
If you know another, do tell me- and we can make it rhyme!

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