Thursday 27 June 2013

The Loss of Naivette

A few days back I found myself sifting some thoughts… and on an impulse put them on paper. I expect this is a part 1 and will go through much improvisation… but felt like sharing it for whatever it is worth in its first cut…

The Loss of Naivette
Life robs you of innocence. The shining faces and glowing hearts with which we set forth into this world soon become tarnished by the harsh, acidic realities of life. We give these realities the name of ‘Experience’; and what we lose in the soft warmth of innocence we gain in the hard, cold armor of self-preservation. This is the obvious; the not-so-obvious is the cyclical nature of this ‘evolution’ …a constant revolution if you may. It almost seems like we let loose a chain reaction every time we open ourselves to a new experience! In corollary, is it in order to reclaim our naïveté that we crave the novel?
The taking up of a new hobby to overcome heartbreak, the buying of an object to get over an intangible loss …a fresh start is almost always an attempt to feel once again the purity of hope, the squeaky cleanness of a fresh slate. A fresh page comes with no guarantees… but in opening it, in opening the doors for new people, we try to find the trust we lost in our old relationships. In finding a new place, we search for proof that our beliefs will be rewarded by a change of circumstances.

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